


(啵关键ih -卫生部jee]

花束emoji depicts a花束的花朵。它通常被用来代表花束、礼物、鲜花、爱情、浪漫、特殊场合和节日。特别是花束emoji is often used to celebrate母亲节这一天在美国是5月的第二个星期天(2021年5月9日)。



Where does Bouquet emoji come from?

花束emoji was approved under Unicode 6.0 in 2010. On most major platforms, the emoji resembles a bouquet of differently colored flowers. On most platforms, the flowers appear to be郁金香.根据平台的不同,表情符号可能描绘不同数量的不同颜色的花,可能看起来真实或程式化。微软版本的表情符号描绘了一束直立的花束,而Facebook版本的表情符号则向右倾斜。在所有其他平台上,花束都是向左倾斜的。与其他主要平台的表情符号不同,Facebook版的花束没有捆绑在一起的带子或绳子。

花束emoji is an incredibly popular emoji that is used every day. It is commonly used to refer to flower bouquets, which are often delivered as gifts on special occasions or just to show a person how much they are loved. For this reason, the花束emoji is often used metaphorically to refer to romance.

花束emoji sees a notable increase in usage on holidays where bouquets are especially common gifts, such as母亲节情人节圣诞节复活节生日和结婚纪念日

例子of Bouquet emoji

kickassdee, 2021年4月26日

Who uses Bouquet emoji?

花束emoji is used to refer to actual flower bouquets that someone gave or received as gifts.

花束emoji is also often used to celebrate holidays during which people often receive bouquets.

花束emoji is commonly used to refer to romance in general.




This is not meant to be a formal definition of Bouquet emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Bouquet emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.