Where does Brown Heart emoji come from?
的布朗的心emoji was approved under Unicode 12.0 in 2019. On all platforms, the emoji takes the form of a heart in various shades of brown. The Microsoft version of the emoji has a black outline. On supported devices, the emoji is rendered as an empty box or other such placeholder character.
的支持者黑人的命也重要经常使用布朗的心emoji in usernames and posts on social media to show团结与黑人和其他有色人种一起为种族平等和正义而战。为此,表情符号通常与黑色的心emoji and the高举的拳头emoji✊它的肤色变深。
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例子of Brown Heart emoji
Who uses Brown Heart emoji?
就像许多其他的心形表情,比如红色的心❤️和蓝色的心,的布朗的心emoji can be used to convey love and other strong, affectionate, positive feelings. It is especially used, though, to show support for Black Lives Matter and related causes for社会正义.
- PAPI CHULO (@princetonperez)2020年2月1日
多爱到名人喜欢@NickCannon,@halsey,@ArianaGrande,@RealChalamet以及更多地利用他们的平台,积极地站在前线——往往是在伤害的道路上——为正义挺身而出。我们都在一起!# BlackLivesMatter# BLM# BLMprotestpic.twitter.com/wV0pig5GSK
——JOSH LEVI (@JoshLeviWorld)2020年6月19日
This is not meant to be a formal definition of Brown Heart emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Brown Heart emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.