


(kah- bih -卫生部jee]


克尔白天房emoji displays the克尔白天房、黑色、方形建筑位于城市麦加,沙特阿拉伯。克尔白是最神圣的朝圣地点的追随者伊斯兰教。结果,克尔白天房emoji is often used to refer to Islam,穆斯林麦加朝圣,除了指克尔白本身。




Where does Kaaba emoji come from?

克尔白天房emoji was approved under Unicode 8.0 in 2015. On all major platforms, the emoji depicts the Kaaba, which resembles a black cube-shaped building with a gold band and shapes near the top. On all major platforms, the emoji is illustrated so it is viewed from the corner and appears to have a three -dimensional shape. The WhatsApp version depicts a gray base and the Facebook version illustrates the bottom of the Kaaba colored gold.


麦加的克尔白是位于城市,沙特阿拉伯。要求所有成年穆斯林麦加朝圣期间他们的生活。不用说,克尔白是一个高度认可的网站穆斯林,所以克尔白天房emoji is one that is commonly used. Besides referring to the Kaaba itself, the克尔白天房emoji is also used to refer to the麦加朝圣(去麦加朝圣)和伊斯兰教。

例子of Kaaba emoji

当你站起来祷告,祷告好像是你最后的祷告! !
@kainatimtiaz16, 2020年1月6日
的most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen with my eyes in this world is the Kaaba how about you?
@alimpoetry, 2020年7月25日

Who uses Kaaba emoji?

克尔白天房emoji is used to refer to the Kaaba and the pilgrimage to Mecca.

更一般的,克尔白天房emoji is used to refer to Muslims and Islam.




This is not meant to be a formal definition of Kaaba emoji like most terms we define on Dictionary.com, but is rather an informal word summary that hopefully touches upon the key aspects of the meaning and usage of Kaaba emoji that will help our users expand their word mastery.